
**Elev Labs is in a legacy stage and this website is no longer being maintained.**

You're taking a big step.

We're so glad that you're making the decision to join the Elev Community. We want to make one thing clear off the bat: We're here for you. If you need anything at all throughout the process, email us. We'll respond. Fast.

First, you should know our application process

We wish that we could help every single student out there who has a dream and a vision. Sadly, this isn't possible, and we must implement a rigorous application process in order to join our program. But, you're here, so you've already taken a step in the right direction. So, why not you?

1. Submit your interest

This quick form is your first step to becoming an Elev Pioneer. It will let us know you're interested and give us some basic info about you and your company or idea.

2. Apply

After your Interest Form, you'll recieve a link via email to our full, in-depth application. This comprehensive application will tell us every detail we need to know. 

3. Interview

If we love your idea, we'll set up a call with you to get to know you a bit better, understand your goals, ambitions, and see if we'd be a good fit for each other.

1. Submit your interest

This quick form is your first step to becoming an Elev Pioneer. It will let us know you're interested and give us some basic info about you and your company or idea.

2. Apply

After your Interest Form, you'll recieve a link via email to our full, in-depth application. This comprehensive application will tell us every detail we need to know. 

3. Interview

If we love your idea, we'll set up a call with you to get to know you a bit better, understand your goals, ambitions, and see if we'd be a good fit for each other.

**Elev Labs is no longer being maintained, so we've removed our interest form application.**

I GOT IN! what?

If you've been offered a spot as a Pioneer at Elev Labs, first of all, congratulations!

You'll receive an email from us within a week after your interview explaining all the details of the program. This email will also contain our offer to you. Additionally, we'll include a packet that contains a Contract, and a "Translated Contract" that breaks down the contract clause by clause to make sure you can understand it thoroughly. We believe in transparency, and we want you to be just as excited about being here as we are to have you here.

Remember that we're always happy to chat with you or a family member if you have any questions. And we mean that. Try us.
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